Slide DISAIN MIS TÖÖTAB Teaduslikud uuringud mõistmaks kliendi tähelepanu ja emotsioone

Our main research areas:

Which methods do we use?


Window to your consumer’s eyes

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Measuring emotions

Understand your customers feelings

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Research-based marketing service from the University of Tartu




About us

Our lab started with passion and a deep interest in neuro-marketing research, the lab has grown from conducting small research projects to analyzing the websites, packaging, tv adverts, and print adverts of dozens of companies on an everyday basis. Neuro-marketing is the only field of research where examination discoveries are closely linked to a real-world scenario.

Today we can confidently say that we have the best expertise and knowledge in Baltics for eye-tracking technology. Our tracking devices outputs a first-person view of a consumer and maps their accurate eye movement on the computer. Along with eye-tracking, a smartwatch also tracks its location in the physical and virtual environment.

In addition to eye tracking, we also measure people’s emotional responses, their activation levels and combine them with our eye-tracking data, giving us a great opportunity to test and optimize a wide variety of stimuli and environments.

Our goal is to provide companies, organizations, and research institutions with exceptional services and world-class research data. We also thrive to provide high-quality and hands-on learning opportunities to our students.

The Laboratory of Neuromarketing works as a Consumer Research Center in the Chair of Marketing at the University of Tartu School of Economics and Business Administration. We carry out experiments all over Estonia as well as outside Estonia.

Andres Kuusik
Madli Vaher
Tanel Mehine
Kerli Ploom
Kristian Pentus
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